Pipe Flow Liquid Pipe Diameter Calculator App

Pipe Flow Liquid Pipe Diameter Calculator for iOS

Calculate Pipe Diameter Size

The Pipe Flow Liquid Pipe Diameter software calculates the minimum size pipe diameter that allows a given fluid flow rate at a specified maximum pressure drop. The calculation uses the Darcy Weisbach equation with Colebrook-White friction factors to compute friction losses. The software takes account of the internal roughness of the pipe material, the length of pipe, the flow rate of the liquid, the maximum allowed pressure drop, the fluid density, the fluid viscosity, and the pressure loss through any fittings and bends.

Users can select items from from the pipe database, fitting database, and fluid database, and this data can then be used in the calculation.

Pipe Diameter Calculation Results

Tapping "Calculate Pipe Diameter" calculates the minimum size pipe diameter that allows the specified flow rate under the defined conditions. The required diameter size is displayed on the results screen.
Pipe Flow Liquid Pipe Diameter Calculation Screen Liquid Pipe Diameter Calculation Screen
Pipe Flow Liquid Pipe Diameter Results Screen Liquid Pipe Diameter Results Screen

Share Calculations

Calculations can easily be saved to your device or shared with other users of Pipe Flow Liquid Pipe Diameter. The App can also generate professional PDF / Excel Reports that can be sent via email and viewed on any device.
Pipe Flow Liquid Pipe Diameter Report Screen Liquid Pipe Diameter Report Screen
Pipe Flow Liquid Pipe Diameter Reports Options Screen Liquid Pipe Diameter Reports Options Screen

Download Pipe Flow Liquid Pipe Diameter on the App Store

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Pipe Flow Software
Pipe Flow Software: Piping design, Pressure drop calculator, Flow rate calculator, Pump head calculations, Pump selection software.  Copyright © Pipe Flow Software 1997-2024