Refund Policy for Pipe Flow Software

You cannot download and activate the software you purchased:
If the software cannot not be downloaded or installed, you have 7 days to inform us of this, explaining what the problem is. In the unlikely event that we cannot help you to correct the installation of the software then we will issue a full refund to you via your original payment method.
If you have changed your mind:
If you have simply changed your mind about your order and you wish to return your software, then in line with the Distance Selling Directive (DSD) you can do so provided that you inform us of this decision within 10 days of your purchase. The software must not have been licensed and used in a commercial environment. Once you have notified us of your decision to request a refund, we will need to confirm that the Pipe Flow software is not licensed on your computer (where appropriate, by requesting you to run a license removal confirmation program on your computer). Once your license has been de-activated or confirmed it is not in use, we will then issue a full refund for the cost of the software via your original payment method. Please note that this policy does have some limitations and U.K. law does not require that this policy applies to business customers (although we always try to act in a reasonable and fair manner, treating cutsomers as we would want to be treated ourselves).