Fittings can be added to a pipe and they are selected to be at the start or end of the pipe (so as to associate the fitting with the join point before or after the end of the pipe) using the Pipe fitting friction coefficients dialog. The Pipe fitting friction coefficients screen contains shows a list of the fittings on a pipe and also display a list of fittings that are available in the fitting database. If you need to model a specific fixed pressure loss then you should choose to include this pressure loss by adding a Component to the pipe and then specifying the fixed pressure loss on the Set Component Pressure Loss screen.

The position of the fittings affects the NPSHa (Net Positive Suction Head available) value at the pump inlet. Fittings that are placed at the start of a pipe will be considered to be in front of the pump and therefore pressure loss through these fittings will be accounted for when calculating the NPSHa at the pump inlet. If you need to move a fitting, you can change its position by clicking on it to open the Fitting Manager and then selecting its position to be either at the start or end of the pipe.

NOTE: Choose a fitting size that matches the size of the pipe. For example, if you are using 4” nominal pipe size select either a 100 mm or a 4 inch fitting.