If the pipe material you are using in the pipe system does not exist in the Pipe Flow Expert pipe database, you can quickly add the material to the database by clicking the Add new material button on the Pipe diameter data dialog.

NOTE: Be sure to enter the values for the pipe material’s properties in the units displayed next to the field. For example, if you are using metric units, and mm for millimeter is displayed next to the Internal Roughness field, enter the internal surface roughness in millimeters.

To add new material to the pipe database:

  1. Select a pipe in the pipe system and click the Material button in the Pipe pane, or click the Material button on the Default Values tab in the Configuration Options screen to open the Pipe diameter database with the material list displayed.

  1. Click the Add new material button.

  1. Clicking the Add new material button opens the Add pipe material section in the Pipe diameter data screen.

  1. Type the material name in the Name field.

  1. Type the material’s schedule or class in the Schedule/Class field.

  1. Type the material’s internal roughness, expressed in the units displayed in parenthesis, in the Internal Roughness field.

  1. Click the Add new material entry button to save the new material data to the database and the materials list.